We’re going to visit 4 of my favorite exercises for hip strength in the golf swing!
1. Hip Bridges with Rotation – Lying on a bench with a weight or bands, keep feet flat on the ground and perform a bridge engaging your glutes and performing a slight rotational bridge. This will help activate the glutes in the rotational plane. In the video below I’m demonstrating for a right handed golfer to optimize their power in the hips through the impact zone and the swing, but I encourage you to perform in both directions.
2. Banded Extension with Rotation – With a power band attached to an achor or cable column, wrap the band around your waist and perform a hip thrust with rotation in to the finish position. Make sure to start in a small squat and power through the thrust. This will help with glute engagement and weight shift in the swing. Again I encourage you to perform in both directions.
3. Kettlebell Rotational Swing – With a moderate weight kettlebell, start with the KB at your right side and perform a swing with a hip thrust in to the finish position. Adjust weight based on the amount of weight you are using. For more muscular endurance use a lighter weight and higher reps and for more power/strength perform with a heavier weight for less reps. Perform in both directions.
4. Dumbbell Rotational Snatch – With a moderate to light weight dumbbell perform a rotational snatch with a thrust of the hips in to the finish position. Be cautious of the shoulder position during this movement as we do not want to injure the shoulder. Similar guidance on weight and reps should be applied as talked about above with the KB rotational swing.
So now it is up to you to go out and implement what you have learned. If you have questions or concerns about these movements or are interested in working with a Golf Specific specialist please don’t hesitate to reach out so we can talk with you more.
All the best and here’s to being the best golfer along the way!